Aim:To find out what happens to newspaper when it is in a container and is immersed in water.
Question:Would a sheet of newspaper placed in a container get wet when immersed in water?
Hypothesis:We think that the sheet of newspaper would get wet.
• Sheet of newspaper
• Empty glass
• Bowl of water.
1. Crumple a sheet of newspaper and stuff it into an empty glass tightly.
2. Holding the glass bottom up, sink it deep into the bowl filled with water.
3. Hold it there for a minute or so.
4. Pull the glass out of the water and remove the paper.
5. Check to see if the paper got wet or remained dry.
Observation:We saw that the paper did not get wet but remained dry.
Conclusion:Water cannot get into the glass to make the paper wet because the empty glass is already filled with air, and the air cannot get out because it is lighter than water.
From this experiment we learned that newspaper in a glass tumbler gets an invisible shield and does not get wet in water.
Next Steps:To learn about the application of this investigation to other daily life situations.
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