Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Music from water

Aim: Our Investigation is about “Can Water Make Music?” Elizabeth and I chose to work on this project because we saw on TV someone make music with water and we wanted to test this out and find out for ourselves if we could use water to make a simple musical instrument.

Question: Can we make music using different levels of water in glass tumblers? And which level of water would make better music?

Hypothesis: We think that we can make music with water. We predict that the smallest amount of water in the glass tumbler would make a sharp sound and a nice tone.

Equipment: 4 drinking glass tumblers
Water in each tumbler at a different level
Wooden stick such as a pencil

1.Line up each glass next to each other and fill them with different amounts of water.
2.The first glass should have a high amount of water and the last should have a small amount of water. The ones in between should have a slightly more water than the last one.
3.Tap the glass tumbler with the least amount of water and observe the sound, then do the same for the other glass tumblers.
4.Now tap all glass tumblers and in any order to see if you could make up a tune by just tapping them in order.
5.Observe which glass tumbler makes better music.

Observation: When we tapped each one to see which glass tumbler had a lovely sound, it turned out to be the glass with the least amount of water in it. Our hypothesis was correct.

From our experiment we learned that we can make music with water. It sounds quite good.

In India some musicians play this kind of musical instrument and make beautiful music with it. They call this musical instrument “Jal Tharang” (Water Music.

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